Jesus = No
Church = Yes

I am not sure about Jesus, but I either have or am attending church.

You have attended church services before, and perhaps you still do. Hopefully you have found an assembly of believers that love one another and take the Bible seriously. That is the mark of the true Church. Now there are the vital questions that pertain specifically to you.
Why are you attending church services?
What are you looking for?
What is drawing you inside?

There may be a variety of answers for these questions, but here are some answers that we are sure of. It is not an accident that you are being drawn to the Church. It is the desire of God for you turn to Him and you are responding to the appeal of the Holy Spirit. Emptiness, sense of loss, or the sudden awareness of your less than perfect life has led you into a spiritual search. What must you do now?

There is a separation between God and mankind. It began with our original ancestors and has continued onto us. Humans often try to close this gap, or fill it, with the creation of religious rituals, rules, taboos, and often the invocation of spirits, gods, forces, etc. Yet such things do not close this gap nor make us right with God.

Somehow, we try to earn our way to God. Here is where the religion revealed by Jesus, known as Christianity, is different from every other one. You cannot earn, buy, or sneak your way into Heaven. God became a man, and that man was Jesus. When we could not find our way to God, He came to find us and fill the gap. He can fill this cold separation because He is God and we can relate to Him as a person at the same time. There is no abstract entity, but a divine humanity. With Jesus we don’t just know of God or about God, but we can know Him personally.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 MEV). He also said, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37 MEV). Are you on the side of truth? Do you listen to God? Hope and forgiveness is found in the saving faith of Jesus Christ. Once you accept and follow Him, grow with a group of believers that love one another and take the Bible seriously. Begin to read the Bible for yourself, or if you prefer you can listen to it. This will help you mature as a believer.